To be able to join an order such as InnerCHANGE implies, to be a follower of Jesus who commit to following common rhythms, commitments and values along with fellow teammates. The team will most likely be multi-cultural. InnerCHANGE believes that multicultural teams are a sign of hope that brings together diversity and inclusiveness, which are needed in our world that seems to thrive on individualism and discrimination. Multicultural teams are kingdom-like because they are a representation of God’s design for creation. One of the ways InnerCHANGE is fostering multicultural teams is through the development of local leaders. The investment in local leadership is how InnerCHANGE foresees sustainability that will outlive its founder as well as many team leaders who relocated to their current contexts to do InnerCHANGE work. Through communal life, InnerCHANGE foresees building missional families that include all the families of members and some neighbours. Such foresight requires everyone involved to make an adjustment that fosters grace, flexibility and other-centeredness.
Committing to join InnerCHANGE also implies living in a context of poverty motivated by the belief that it is the best way to identify with the people God is calling the order to reach. In that context, the focus is on discipleship and the development of local leaders who are marked by merciful action, transformative contemplation and prophetic justice. So that the team efforts can help catalyse an agency from below in community transformation inspired by the biblical passage ‘to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with our God’ (Micah 6:8). These efforts will be focused on one neighbourhood at a time, yet open to multiplying into other neighbourhoods and contexts. The passage of Micah 6:8 challenges InnerCHANGE staff to be involved in advocacy as well as justice matters affecting their context. It also challenges them to love in a way that is relevant and meaningful to their context. It finally encourages them to constantly cultivate an intimate relationship with God in the way of Jesus. The quality of that relationship would inform how they act justly and love mercifully. It is hoped that this posture would be a combination of the ministry of presence, discipleship, practical participation in building a society, and involvement of neighbours as partners.